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Other Entry Terms

  • After an Entry has been submitted, it cannot be modified in any way and Sponsor are not responsible for any delayed Entry, incomplete Entry, or Entry not received, recognized, or accepted for any reason.

  • Entrant retains all rights in and to its product or service, including all intellectual property rights, but no Entry may disclose any information confidential to or any trade secret of the Entrant or any third party. Sponsor will treat all information disclosed by Entrant as nonconfidential.

  • By submitting an Entry to the Program, each Entrant hereby grants Sponsor and Etsy on behalf of Entrant and Officer a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, global, nonexclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, create derivative works from, and display the information in the Entry, in whole or in part, and to incorporate it into other works, in any form, media, or technology, now known or later developed, for any purpose including for promotional and marketing purposes, including on or other Be Intentional branded websites or social platforms, on

  • branded websites or social platforms.

  • The Released Parties (defined below) do not guarantee that any Entry will be used as described in the preceding license.

  • The Released Parties (defined below) are not responsible for any unauthorized use by third parties of any Entry.

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